Monday, October 27, 2014

Oct 27 2k14

Family and friends,

This was my first week out of the CCM! HOLY COW. Lima Peru really is a special place. different. but special. I’m definitely not used to the big city haha but I’m sure I will be soon.

The thing that I’ve thought of the most since being here is to never take for granted what we’ve been blessed with. We are so lucky. If you guys could see some of the things I’ve seen here I think you would appreciate what you have a bit more haha. That’s something we should all try to work on. 

This week I’ve been learning so much Spanish and getting used to how the people speak here. They speak so so so fast!! But I’m getting used to it. Every day I understand more and more. The spirit is key with the language though. And I can tell when I have the spirit and when I don’t. Last night we were teaching a lesson and I was testifying of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I could just feel that I was the instrument that Heavenly Father was working through to teach this lady. Doctrina y convenios 100 talks a ton about missionary work. It’s only a few verses long and you can read it in less than 2 minutes so I encourage all of you to work with it. Sometimes I’m afraid to talk to someone because I don’t know what I’m going to say, but after reading this chapter, I’m less afraid. Because I know that `it will be given to me in the very hour, yea in the very moment what I should say`.

So I was testifying of the Book of Mormon and after I spoke I was just like what the heck. I don’t know how to speak Spanish!! The spirit really is something special.

I have some fun facts about Lima.

1. Peruvian Dogs don’t have hair. Gross I know. I’ll try to get a picture of one this week. They’re just bald. So nasty. One of the members we visit has one and I try not to touch it.. ugh.
2. There isn’t 5 seconds that goes by where I don’t hear a car honk. Everybody always honks always. No matter what.
     - However on Sunday, they don’t honk. It’s interesting.
3. The sun almost never comes out here. At least right now. I’ve seen the sky during the day like 3 times., today was one of those times. And I’ve seen the stars twice. Both in the CCM.
4. Everybody is Catholic. Literally EVERYBODY. 

Well those are all the facts I have so far haha. I’ll come up with some more for next week. I’ve also seen the miracle of tender mercies in my mission. Some days are really hard. And we don’t always have people that want to listen to us. But at the end of every day, we always have an amazing family that invites us in and feeds us and we have a lesson.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are real. They live. I know this for a fact. They love each and every one of us. No matter what we’ve done we can always be forgiven and we will always be loved. How great is that? The Book of Mormon is true. More true than any other book in the world. The testimony of Joseph Smith is so powerful. I encourage you to read it. It will change you. The Book of Mormon has changed my life and the reason I am here is to share this knowledge with others. So that their lives can be changed too through this amazing gospel. Families can be together forever, through heavenly fathers plan. How much more would we want? I know this church is true. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t true. God lives. If you don’t have a knowledge for yourself that God lives, kneel and ask in prayer. You will receive an answer. I say these things in the name of My Savior, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. Amen. I’ll try to speak more Spanish in my email next week. This week I just didn’t have much time. 

The yellow building is my apartment. And the Latino in the picture is my companion. Elder Flores.

I love you all!! Life is good in Lima Peru.

Elder Dahlin

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Picture from MTC teacher

This picture was posted by Miluska Loayza Malvaceda, Daniel's MTC teacher with this caption:

Mis amados angelitos..  !!! Es una bendicion conocerles y haber aprendido tanto de ustedes. Se que son misioneros que aman esta maravillosa obra, son del ejercito de Dios. Les amo muchisimo mis pequeños....!!! Gracias por su amor y amistad !!! Hna. Hall, Hna. Weight, E.Foote, Hna. Frame, Hna. Jesperson, E. Mann, E. Arns, E. Dixon, E. Van Uitert, E. Burgoyne, E. Dahlin y E. Christensen

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Oct 22 2k14

Friends and Family,

What a crazy time I’ve had here. Even just being out of the CCM for 2 days. I have some cool stories to share that happened while in the CCM so I’ll share those first.

So since I was a zone leader in the CCM I was in charge of organizing sacrament meeting. I took advantage of that for my last Sunday in the CCM and I asked the elders in my district if they wanted to bless and pass the sacrament. They all wanted to. I blessed the bread. It was so cool to have that experience. I can’t believe I’m in Peru blessing the sacrament in Spanish haha. I love it. So yeah blessing the sacrament was really cool. An experience que no voy a olvidar.

We watched a video and I think it was by Elder Holland in one of his conference talks a few years ago. He said, when we are going through something that’s really hard, and we want to know if there’s an easier way, we just need to remember that someone much greater than us asked that same exact question a long time ago. He’s talking about Christ when he was on the cross and asked if there was another way. If Christ could endure the pains of the world, we can endure the trial that we’re going through.

We watched Meet the Mormons!! I think it’s in theaters right now. But we had it broadcasted to the CCM in English. So that was cool to watch that haha. It’s so funny and it really shows who we are. I encourage all of you to watch it. 

so a few nights before we left the CCM, we were eating dinner and I sat down with my food with my district and they were all being super noisy because they’re excited to get out into the field. So I sit down and I’ve made a habit of saying prayers on my food whenever we eat. And as I’m praying I can hear the noise start to get quieter and quieter around me. Until all at once it’s just completely quiet around me and I can’t hear any of the elders in my district talking anymore. I finish my prayer and I look up and every single one of the elders in my district were praying blessing their food. It showed me that no matter where we are, even when we don’t know if anyone is watching, we need to be examples.

My district was so hard to say goodbye to! They’re like my family. I know that they’ll all do so good on their missions. I’ll include a picture if I have time. 

So I had the opportunity to do an anointing! One of the hermanas in my district was having a hard time. So the night before we left, I anointed and my companion gave her a blessing. It’s amazing to feel the peace when the spirit is present. I’m so grateful for the power of the priesthood and I know that through it we can see miracles. I’m glad I was able to exercise my priesthood power.

So I think there’s like rioting going on right now in Lima. Don’t worry mom it’s not too bad :) 
But the other day my companion and I were walking down the street and a bus pulls up. One of the guys gets off the bus and picks up a rock and starts running towards me and my companion. We step aside and when he had run like 5 feet past us, he throws the rock as hard as he can towards a cop. the cop had a riot shield and blocked the rock but after that happened me and my companion just walked away to a different place. It’s just crazy because if someone did something like that in the United States they would get shot by the cop haha. Which reminds me! Some of the police here carry around huge machine guns!! Haha it’s kinda scary. But yeah the story with the guy throwing a rock, I know I was being watched over. If he had thrown the rock even a second before it probably could have hit me or my companion.

My English continues to go down the drain and I find myself forgetting how to say more and more words. The gift of tongues is real :) I can’t wait to call home at Christmas and speak in Spanish to you guys!

People told me that Peru would be different but I think it impossible to know or even imagine until you’re here. Everything is different. The food, people, cars, showers. So on the shower in our apartamiento, there is this little electric thing right at the end of the shower head. And right before the water touches you, it touches the electrical thing and it heats the water. So this morning we turn on the water and I think the electric shower head messed up the power because the lights all turned off. I’ll probably have to get used to taking cold showers but that’s alright. I’ll live. 

Mom and Dad. So can I select multiple photos at a time and add them to drop box? I’m not sure how that works haha so I just sent a few. Can you print the one of me standing in front of the temple and put it on my missionary plaque? That would be chevere. Cool. 

Alright well I’m out of time! My new P day is Monday so that’s when I’ll be on again. Thanks for all the prayers! Please continue to pray for me. If there’s one time where I need it, it’s now. 

I love you guys all so much! Never forget how lucky we all are. Some of the things I see here make me realize how blessed I’ve been in my life. I will talk to you soon! Todo bien en Lima Peru.

 Elder Dahlin

Ps. mi zona es magdelena

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Oct 15 2k14

Dear Family and Friends,

What an AMAZING and indescribable 5 weeks this has been. The next time I write I will be in the mission field searching for Peruvians to teach this gospel to. So awesome. I’m so grateful for the CM and all that it has taught me. The spirit lives here that’s for sure.

First of all. I literally get at least 10 compliments everyday on my ties. I clearly have the coolest ones. So thank you dad and brothers for all of the corbatas haha. Everyone here seems to like them. Thanks Andrew for all your paisleys.

This week I had a pretty cool experience with the language. So about 40 Latinos entered the MTC this last week. Two of them are in my room along with me and my companion and then two other elders from North America. Every day at least once a day I have an hour long conversation with one of the Latinos here. I never thought that I would be in Peru talking to Latinos in Spanish haha. I know for a fact that through the gift of tongues I am able to speak Spanish.

That’s not all though! So when they came to the MTC, they needed to take classes on how to begin teaching! Out of all the missionaries here, Elder Foot, another elder in my district, and I were chosen to demonstrate teaching. So there I was, 6´3 Elder Dahlin, in front of all these  5 foot tall Latinos, teaching a fake investigator in Spanish. I’ve been so blessed. Especially with the language. It’s cool to think about the language and think, the only reason I’m learning this is so that I can help a Peruvian be with their family again after this life. That’s what I’m here for! And in 1 week that’s what I’ll be doing. But yeah it was so awesome to show the Latinos how to begin teaching and how to start a conversation. 

Since being here me and some elders in my group have these beat boxing sessions. Let’s just say I’m getting pretty good and when I get home I’m gonna throw down haha.

So I guess sometime this month there’s supposed to be a big earthquake! And so last week we had an earth quake drill. Haha I’m excited to feel it. There was an earthquake a few weeks ago but I didn’t feel it. Maybe I’ll feel this one. I’ll let you all know how that goes.

Not only was I able to teach the Latinos in Spanish, but we are also teaching them English. We had a class on teaching them English. It’s awesome to know that through us, they’ll be able to have better lives by learning English. So pretty much whenever we get into the field, if I have a Latino companion ill teach him English for an hour every day and he will teach me Spanish for an hour every day. I can’t wait to speak Spanish over the phone or skype with you guys at Christmas time!

Alright I had a few cool experiences this week. So every day we have scripture study. And two days ago I was really tired during it and I was kind of dozing off. So I said a prayer that I would be able to stay awake. Because I’ve learned that when you study the scriptures you’re just happier over all. It’s hard to explain so I guess you just have to try it for yourselves, but by studying the scriptures I’ve been happier in my life and I’ve learned so much. I know that for a fact. But anyway!! I closed my eyes and prayed that I would be able to stay awake. Right when I open my eyes I look at my leg and there is the biggest Peruvian bee on my leg!! I FREAKED out and that definitely woke me up. The Lord has a sense of humor that’s for sure haha. And there was no way I was falling asleep after that experience. I can’t say enough times that I’m grateful for prayer. It’s such a powerful tool that we have. Heavenly Father has blessings that he is waiting to give to us. All we have to do is ask for them.

So this week I was wondering how to better my Spanish ability. I’m not really stressed about the language because I know that I’m going to learn so much when I get into the field, but I was just kind of nervous because all of the Latinos here speak so fast. Then I came across D and C 100. This chapter isn’t long. It only takes a minute to read through. But it talks about the language of the spirit. It doesn’t matter that I don’t know tons of Spanish. If I trust in the lord and have faith, I will know exactly what to say when the time comes. I love this chapter.

I love the scriptures. I love the help and guidance that we can all receive from the scriptures and praying about them. I know that through the great plan of salvation, we can all be with our families forever. I know that my redeemer lives, and loves each one of us. I’m a walking testimony that the gift of tongues is real. Through the spirit and the gift of tongues, I’ve been so blessed in learning this language. I have much work to do, but I’ve built a solid foundation while here in the CCM. I know for a fact that Heavenly Father loves me. And he loves each and every one of you too. If you can’t feel this love, or if you don’t know for a fact that you’re loved, drop to your knees in prayer and ask. You will know. As a representative of Jesus Christ I promise this is true. I know the church is true. I know this with all my heart. I know that Thomas S Monson is a true prophet of God and that he leads and guides us in these latter days. I love the church. I’m so grateful for all the blessings that I have in my life because of it. I know that through this gospel we can all have true happiness. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, my Redeemer. Amen.

I love you all!! I can’t wait to send you all the pictures that I’ve taken. So the next time I write, I’ll be in the mission field. So it probably won’t be in a week. So if I don’t write next week don’t think I’m dead. I’m actually the most safe I’ve ever been.

Keep praying for me! I can feel your prayers. They change the night to day. I’m so thankful that I have this opportunity to preach the gospel and bring others unto Christ, so that they can be with their families again.
I’m so grateful for all of you guys. Especially my family. There is no way I could have been blessed with a better family. You guys are my best friends. I love you.

Oh! The two things that stuck out to me the most from conference were
1. Make Christ our rock. Our foundation. If we do this we will be blessed. Helaman 5,12 was quoted like 5 times during conference. If the prophets are quoting this scripture, it must be pretty important.
2 Help those in need. Everyone needs a friend or a pick up. Be the answer to their prayer.
3. Always have the prophets in your sights. They cannot, they will not lead you astray. This is so important.
I have to go!! Lots of love.

Shout out to my boy Matt Segon. Happy Birthday bro! You’re one of my best friends and a life changer for sure. Keep up the good work. I love you man

Always have Christ in your sights. He will lead you to eternal life!

I’ll write next week from my apartment :) I love you all.

Lots of Love, Elder Dahlin

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Oct 8 2k14

All the weeks are all starting to blend together more and more. Have I already been out for a month?! Time is flying like crazy and I’m continuing to learn more and more each week about myself, this gospel, and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

First off, conference was sooooo sweet!! It’s definitely so different being a missionary when conference is on. I feel like the messages apply more directly to me and I pay attention more for sure. I took 17 pages of notes during conference. I loved it so much!! I need to go over them and decide which one was my favorite, but for now ill say Holland´s talk from the Saturday afternoon session. It was inspiring!! Holland is so powerful when he talks. It’s clear that he is receiving guidance from Heavenly Father. I’m so grateful for our modern prophet and apostles!! Such a blessing.

So earlier this week all of the advancados left, which means that they needed new zone leaders! We were all talking about how cool it would be to have a zone leader that was in our district. Well long story short. IM A ZONE LEADER! Woo! I’m so grateful to have this opportunity while in the CCM to help others. I’ve only been zone leader for 2 days though, so next week I’m sure I’ll have some stories about it haha. So stay tuned.

So a few days ago our teacher told us to teach a short 5 minute lesson in English about prayer. It was soooo strange to speak English during a lesson! Spanish has become a habit. Some of the English words would not come out of my mouth haha so it’s cool to see how much my Spanish has improved.

Oh! Before I forget. During the first session of conference! The MoTab was singing I think it was Beautiful Zion. Or something like that? Anyway, the women seriously sounded like angels. When I die, I hope that’s what heaven sounds like because it was so amazing.

This week I have learned a lesson of exact obedience. So in the cafeteria there is a sign that says ´please only take 4 pieces of bread´ but it’s in Spanish of course. Haha I have had trouble with this rule. And at every meal I take like 8 or more because the bread is seriously amazing. So I’m pretty sure I’ve been punished for not obeying that rule haha. Because I weighed myself the other day and I’ve gained 10 pounds since I’ve been here!! What the heck! This is the most I’ve ever weighed haha. So now I’m just 180 pounds of gospel preaching, Spanish speaking Elder Dahlin.

Haha but yeah seriously obedience is key. Whether it’s obeying the spirit when it gives you that feeling, or not taking more bread that you should, obedience is one of the most important things.

I was able to stand in on another priesthood blessing this week! An elder in our group was having some.. intestinal.. problems all day long. And he couldn’t even stand up without horrible pain. All 8 of the elders stood in on the blessing and the next day he was walking around and back to normal. It’s so amazing to see the power of the priesthood working. It’s so powerful and I love it so much!

yo se que esta iglesia es la verdad. estoy agredido que mediante al plan de salvacion, podemos ser con nuestras familias otra vez despuez esta vida. se que jesucristo murio por nuestros pecados. y mediante la expacion podemos ser limpios de nuestros pecados y volver a vivir con Dios. nada en esto mundo es tan importante que esto evangelio. yo se que nuestro padre celestial es amoroso y puedo sentir su amor para me. estoy agradecido por todos mis amigos my miembros de mi familia. digo estas cosas en el nombre de jesu cristo. Amen!

I love all of you guys and I’m so grateful for the support that you have all given me! The church is true.

Oh! Really quick I have another cool story about prayer. I was in the shower and every day the water will either turn super cold or super super hot. So it turned way hot and it wouldn’t go back to normal for like 5 minutes. So I just said a prayer really quick that it could change at least to a bearable heat and boom!! Immediately it changed back to normal haha. Call it a coincidence but I think not. Prayer is real! Pray always my friends. I love you all!

Love Elder Dahlin

Ps. next week I will have a more full report of my favorite conference talks.

Oct 1 2014

Family and Friends,
Greetings from Lima Peru! Have I already been here for 3 weeks?! What the heck. I’ve started to adapt to missionary language. So the word flip is now common in my vocabulary. Haha I guess that’s how you know when you’ve been out a while.
This week has been so great! The CCM is truly an amazing place.
This week my testimony on prayer has been strengthened to an unshakable level. Prayer is soooo powerful. So earlier this week we were playing soccer and I twisted my ankle pretty bad. I was down for the count haha. After physical activity I went back up to my room with my compañion and I took off my sock and it was starting to turn purple and blue and it was getting swollen! so I was like ah flip I’m gonna have ankle problems like Garrett for the rest of my life ;)
That night I said a prayer and just expressed how grateful I would be if my ankle could heal so I could focus better and learn while I’m here. I went to bed. The next morning I wake up at 6, climb out of bed, and walk to the bathroom. Then I remember my ankle! I had forgotten about it completely. I checked to see what it looked like and it looks as if nothing had ever happened to it. It’s just a tiny bit sore but other than that I’m perfectly fine. I can run on it and jump on it like normal. The power of prayer is amazing folks. If you ever need help or anything, prayer is the way. Like the scriptures say, pray always.

Also, this morning we were getting ready to go to the temple and my companion realizes that he doesn’t have his recommend! So we run back up to the room and tear everything apart looking for it. We were already running late so we were both getting frustrated by this point. I suggested saying a prayer. And so we did. We looked for a few more minutes and then decided to leave. The plan was that he would just wait in the waiting room during the temple session. So we get there and they asked him for his recommend. He doesn’t know much Spanish so I explained to the temple workers in Spanish that he didn’t have his recommend because he lost it and he was just going to wait in the waiting room. Well, once again our prayer was answered. They come out with his recommend in their hands. And they told us that he had left it there the week before. How crazy is that! He left it in his temple pants when he took them off the week before and someone had turned it in. I love prayer. I find myself praying more here than any other time in my life.
I’ve also become more patient. Sometimes there are things that bother me on the mission. Like missionaries being disobedient and doing things that missionaries shouldn’t do. Not horrible things, but just things that they wouldn’t do if the mtc president was standing there. But patience is key. And who am I to judge? I read a scripture that says if we judge our brothers, that same judgment will come upon us. So be careful because you don’t know what anyone is going through!
One of the things that really helps me to work hard out here is to think, I’m literally representing Jesus Christ. When I talk, it’s as if the words were coming out of his mouth. This helps me to stay away and study as hard as I can while I’m out here.
This week I finished the book of Mormon! My scriptures are already so marked up haha. I can’t imagine what they’re going to look like in 6 months, or even 2 years!
We had a devotional the other day, Elder Calderon of the 70 came and spoke to us. He compared the missionaries to David, and trials or investigators to Goliath. David chose 5 stones. We have 5 lessons.

David didn’t hesitate to strike. We shouldn’t hesitate to invite others to come unto Christ.
Well the mission is truly an amazing place. Every day, I continue to feel the spirit so strong. The work is being hastened. I love being a missionary. Every day, I just count my blessings. There is so much that we take for granted in the United States. We have so much. When we are walking to the temple or to the bus stops, I can see how little the people here have. They literally have nothing. We should all be grateful for what we have because we have been blessed by the lord.
Thank you for all of your prayers!! I have an army behind me. You guys are all so amazing. I love you so much. Life is amazing in Lima Peru.
Hey, mom and dad can you send me an email with everything you can remember from my setting apart blessing? That would be cool to have.
Also, someone please tell Sister Kirk thank you for the hymn book! I use it every day.
Family! I challenge you all to visit the temple sometime soon! It’s an awesome place and we can learn so much every time we go.
And can someone look up all 100 scripture mastery’s and paste them in an email and send them to me? That would be spectacular. I love you guys! Continue to pray and have faith.
PS my English is getting worse and my Spanish is better than ever. That’s good right? :) I love you all.
Much love, Elder Dahlin

Sept 24 2014


This week in the CCM has been amazing. I feel the spirit so much here. It's almost overwhelming haha. You know how after Joseph Smith would have really spiritual experiences he would be exhausted and just sleep? I think it was Joseph Smith.. anyway, that is what happens to me everyday haha. I'm learning SO much. My Spanish is improving so fast. I'm already forgetting how to use proper grammar in English haha. I'm so grateful that I'm able to learn this language so easily. 

Every Sunday, we have a live broadcast from Salt Lake. It's usually an apostle. Sunday we had a broadcast and it was David A Bednar. These broadcasts are specifically for the missionaries. He said that the gifts we are looking for, and the miracles that we are striving to experience, will never come if that's all we think about. The only way we will ever receive a miracle is if there is someone out there that needs you to receive it. For example, the only way I will truly and fully receive the gift of tongues is if there is a family out there that needs me to be able to communicate with them. And that's so true! I'm studying so hard everyday. I'm reading the Book of Mormon. In 11 days I've made it to the end of Alma. The scriptures are so amazing. I love reading the stories in the scriptures. There are so many scriptures that talk specifically to missionaries. I love those ones haha.

So every Saturday we get to leave the CCM and we get to go out on to the streets of Lima and proselyte! It's so much fun haha. I was with an elder that is from the Dominican Republic. On the way home we were sitting next to the other Latino elders in his district and they all start saying whats up my n? haha and they were all saying the n word hecka loud! and my companion for proselyting is black! so I was like oh my gosh this is horrible. They didn't know what that word meant. So in Spanish they asked me what it meant and I had to explain to all of them that we should never say that word because it's bad and I explained to them about slavery in Spanish. haha and they all felt way bad for saying it haha. It was scary though, I thought he would be offended, but everyone here is so loving. There's just this bond between missionaries. we're all automatically friends. It's because of the spirit here in the CCM. There is no way that anyone would be able to successfully learn the language and learn the whole gospel in Spanish without the spirit that is here. It's so powerful. I love my mission! and I've only been here for 2 weeks haha.

This week we graduated from being the Greenies. We're now the intermediates. It's funny to see all of the new missionaries coming in. My compañion has this HECKA good Russian accent that he can do and we're convincing the other elders in my room that he is from Russia. They believe it so far. haha the mission is a blast.

This morning we went to the temple. Every week we have the opportunity to go to the temple. I love going. I learn so much every time. So I was the last one to get to the celestial room. and when I got in there the rest of my district had already left because we were running late. So I was in there alone and I was going to just leave right away because we were running late but i decided to stay for a while and just pray and think about things in there. It was unlike anything I've ever felt before. So peaceful. I just sat in there praying for like 5 minutes balling my eyes out. Our Heavenly Father truly loves each and every one of us so much. His love is incomprehensible.
The church is true. Joseph Smith was a true prophet. Thomas S Monson is a true and living prophet today. I'm grateful that we have a prophet today to guide us through these latter days. I know that through faith, all things are possible. Mountains can be moved. I love the church. I know my savior loves me. I love my family and all my friends. Thank you all for the support! It means the world to me. I love you all so much. Choose the right! Scripture study is so important. Never forget how much he loves each and every one of us. If you ever are feeling down, you can always pray and talk to Heavenly Father. He will always be there. I know this is true with all of my heart.

Elder Dahlin

ps. this week i had the opportunity to stand in on my first priesthood blessing. An elder in our district is sick and so me and my companion and his companion gave him a blessing. That was last night and this morning he woke up feeling good as new. It's amazing the things that the priesthood can do. Like I said before, faith is everything. I love you all!

Sept 10 2014

Hello from Peru! 

I made it late last night. I got in at about 2:00 am Peru time. So midnight there. It´s really cool here! It feels just like Santa Cruz or Santa Barbara right now. It's just a little bit cold and misty. But I'm sure it will warm up because we're going to be going into summer pretty soon. Well i don't have much time haha, the guy keeps counting down 5 4 3 2 1 minutes! 

I love you guys. Thanks for all of the support and thanks for helping me get out here. There's no where else I would rather be. All of the guys in my room are really cool. The companion that I'm with in the MTC is also going to Peru Central, so we'll probably see each other throughout our whole missions. I cant believe this day is finally here haha. I remember at the beginning of summer I thought it would never come. And now I'm in South America!

We're about to get our name tags and some books in Spanish. When we get our tags I'm sure we'll take a picture and I'll send it probably next week.

I have to go ! I love you guys!

Elder Dahlin